I've titled this No End Like The Deep End because I feel as though that's how I live my life. Most people wade into the water and then dive in when they find the risk is worth taking. Me? I don't even bother to perch my feet on the side of the pool to see what's at the bottom; I dive in cannonball style and pray that I can swim and it seems to work for me.
I live and work in a suburb of Chicago with a leadership development organization called LeaderTreks. Since signing on in 2009 my life has never been the same. Adventure follows me around like a hungry puppy and my life has more purpose than I've ever known. This blog is for me, so I can unpack my experiences as they happen and for you so you can share in the joys and failures that come with living life in the deep end.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm going to enjoy letting you into the adventure I call life.